Saturday, December 12, 2009

Lilia Language

Lilia likes to talk. Non.Stop.
Most people who meet her can't believe she's only going to be two years old. Partially because of how tall she is, but most also comment on how fluently she talks, and that she talks non stop.

Being first time parents we don't know any different and are still surprised to hear peoples positive comments about her speech.

But what most people don't realize is that to Lilia some sentences are just one word. For example: she's been saying "Where'd it go?" for a very long time. But she says it very fast, yet very clear, but to her it seems to be one word: "whereditgo?"
She loves to hide toys, or play hide and seek and then say "whereditgo?"

Like many kids, she also loves bath time. Lilia will ask to "take a bath?" but she never puts the "to" in front of the sentence. Often, when we are in the spare bathroom she will point at the tub and say "take a bath?" . To which I always reply. "Yep, tonight honey, you can take a bath after dinner" I always assumed her question was simple, she wanted to take a bath. I never guessed she may have been calling the bath by a name she'd given it. Then tonight, after I pulled the drain on the bath water, she decided to stay in the tub until all the water had drained. At that point she suddenly turned to me looking all confused and said "Where'd take a bath go?, Mommy, Mommy! Where'd take a bath go!?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Our first snow!

We had our First significant snow on Monday. Lilia was so excited when she woke up to see snow. Right away she wanted outside. It was all we could do to finish breakfast first.