Thursday, March 20, 2008


Post by: Dee

I’ve always been a sucker for sunshine. It doesn’t matter what time of year it is, if the sun is shining I’m in a much better mood. Much like a cat, I will seek it out and stand or sit in it for a moment just to feel it’s glow which brightens my spirit.

Until I became a mother I didn’t realize how the sun could shine even on the gloomiest of days. It’s changed my outlook on life. While I was pregnant people gave me negative warnings like: “your life will never be the same again” and “you’ll never have a moment of peace or quiet” or “you’ll never sleep again”.

They were right....
My. Life. Has. changed.

Sure, I lack sleep, but it’s the most rewarding thing I’ve ever staying up all hours of the night for. As for peace and quiet. There’s nothing more magical than the sound of my little girls voice, whether she’s laughing, crying, gurgling, or hollering. She’s here, she’s alive, she’s healthy. And she’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever experienced.

My little sunshine not only warms my heart she illuminates my world.


Ronica said...

That was beautiful, Dee.

Allen Fieldhouse said...

i couldn't have said it better myself!

Mama Bear said...

Amazing post. Good work.

Now me, I've got a cloud, and he's 18, and has friends over until 3 a.m. when I stomp around on the floor until he gets the hint and makes them go home.

jo said...

May I say "I told you so"? We knew you would be a wonderful mother. Who could ask for anything more?